Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Twenty-Somethings: Treasuring Time and Firm Foundations

Young adults ofter hear the axiom, "Time is your most precious commodity".  The truth is, time is an irreplaceable gift, not a commodity which can be replenished, bought and sold. We have been given a choice to use the gift of each disappearing second or to squander it on vain pursuits. 

When we are young, the temptation is to live as though we have all the time in the world to delay or avoid making important decisions.  This is why Dr. Meg Jay includes as number four on her list  The 10 Most Important Lessons for 20-Something Workers, "Not making a choice is a choice."  Dr. Jay  points out,  "The foundation you build in your 20s will define the rest of your life."

So how does a young adult build the right foundation or confirm the current one is not a scattered sand pile?   

IDPlan is here to guide the twenty-something in drafting a personal blueprint for success. 

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